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The Quidnock Municipal Heritage Site

Conche, Terre-Neuve et Labrador, A0K, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 2007/12/19

Photo of The Quidnock, looking towards the ocean at Stage Cove, Conche, NL, 2007.; Courtesy of French Shore Historical Society, 2008
The Quidnock, Conche, NL
Photo view of The Quidnock and Stage Cove environs, Conche, NL, 2007.; Courtesy of French Shore Historical Society, 2008
The Quidnock, Conche, NL
Historic photo showing fisheries premises around The Quidnock, Conche, NL, circa 1970s.; Courtesy C. Cochrane, 2008
The Quidnock, Conche, NL

Autre nom(s)


Liens et documents

Date(s) de construction

Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2009/03/30

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Quidnock is a natural rock formation in the shape of a fish, in an oceanside area known locally as The Dock in the Stage Cove area of the Town of Conche. The municipal heritage designation is confined to the footprint of the The Quidnock rock formation.

Valeur patrimoniale

The Quidnock has been designated a municipal heritage site by the Town of Conche because of its historic, cultural and aesthetic values.

The Quidnock is a rock formation in the shape of a fish, in an area known as the Dock at Stage Cove, Conche. Fittingly, this area was historically a very busy fishing station. The Dock was a French fishing room from 1745 until 1904, during which time the French enjoyed British-granted fishing treaty rights along the French Shore. Adjoining the French Room at The Dock, families such as the Symmonds, Bromleys and Flynns had large fishing premises from 1816 until 1992, with family-owned fishing stages and stores. During much of this period, the Quidnock was surrounded with fish drying on numerous flakes and the cobbled beaches.

The area also has historic significance because some local residents believe it may have been burial grounds for now extinct Aboriginal people.

The Quidnock has cultural significance as an interesting example of local landmark nomenclature, though its etymology is something of a mystery.

The Quidnock has aesthetic value as a distinctive natural landscape feature and landmark in an historically significant area of Conche.

Source: Town of Conche Council Meeting Minutes of 2007/12/19

Éléments caractéristiques

-location of the rock;
-and fish-like shape of the rock.



Terre-Neuve et Labrador

Autorité de reconnaissance

Municipalités de TNL

Loi habilitante

Municipalities Act

Type de reconnaissance

Terre, structure ou édifice patrimonial municipal

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes

1745/01/01 à 1904/01/01

Thème - catégorie et type

Un territoire à peupler
Les habitants et l'environnement naturel

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction


Élément naturel


Approvisionnements en vivres
Site de pêcheries

Architecte / Concepteur




Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

Town of Conche
PO Box 59
Conche, NL A0K 1Y0

Réfère à une collection

Identificateur féd./prov./terr.




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