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Earlswood Cemetery and Chapel

Martin RM 122, Saskatchewan, S0G, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 1996/12/17

view of the chapel and cemetery, 2004; Government of Saskatchewan, Brett Quiring, 2004
Earlswood Cemetery Site
Pas d'image
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Autre nom(s)

Earlswood Cemetery and Chapel
Earlswood Presbyterian Church
Earlswood United Church

Liens et documents

Date(s) de construction

1885/01/01 à 1958/12/31

Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2005/02/02

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Earlswood Cemetery and Chapel is a Municipal Heritage Property located 18 kilometres south of Wapella within the Rural Municipality of Martin No. 122. The property contains a small wood-frame chapel built in 1958 and a cemetery dating from 1885.

Valeur patrimoniale

The heritage value of the Earlswood Cemetery and Chapel lies in its role as a symbol of the connection between the original pioneers and the area’s current residents. Started in 1885, the cemetery was situated next to the oldest Presbyterian Church in the area. In 1958 the original church burned down and the current wood-frame chapel was constructed. Although the new chapel does not replicate the architecture or functionality of the original church, it stands as a symbolic representation of the original building and the religious nature of the property. The church and cemetery are situated on a well-maintained plot of land, bordered by sporadically placed trees and shrubs.


Rural Municipality of Martin Bylaw No. 143/96.

Éléments caractéristiques

The heritage value of the Earlswood Cemetery and Chapel resides in the following character-defining elements:
-those elements that recognize the religious nature of the property, including the replica chapel building and it's location near the historical position of the original church.
-those elements that recognize the association with the pioneers, including, the maintained grounds, tree rows and grave markers.




Autorité de reconnaissance

Administrations locales (Sask.)

Loi habilitante

Heritage Property Act, alinéa 11(1)(a)

Type de reconnaissance

Bien patrimonial municipal

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes


Thème - catégorie et type

Un territoire à peupler
Les établissements

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction


Religion, rituel et funéraille
Site funéraire, cimetière ou enclos


Religion, rituel et funéraille
Centre religieux ou lieu de culte

Architecte / Concepteur




Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

Department of Culture Youth and Recreation Heritage Resources Branch 1919 Saskatchewan Drive Regina, SK File: MHP 785

Réfère à une collection

Identificateur féd./prov./terr.

MHP 785



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