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Total des résultats : 264, page : 1 de 27
Point Ellice House
2616 Pleasant Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Point Ellice House consists of a one-storey Victorian Italianate residence and carriage shed, and Victorian gardens located on a treed parcel of land at the edge of the Gorge…
Helmcken House
638 Elliot Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Helmcken House is a one-storey log house, with two distinctive two-storey wood-frame additions. The house faces Elliott Street Square beside the Royal BC Museum on a slight rise…
Church of Our Lord
626 Blanshard Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
The Church of Our Lord is a Carpenter Gothic style wooden church with a separate annex called the Cridge Memorial Hall, located on the corner of Humbolt and Blanshard Streets.
Congregation Emanu-el
1421 Blanshard Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Congregation Emanu-el is a one and one-half storey brick Romanesque Style synagogue on the corner of Blanshard and Pandora Streets.
City Hall
1 Centennial Square, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Victoria City Hall is a two-and-one-half storey masonry building situated at the northwest corner of Douglas Street and Pandora Avenue in the Old Town District in Downtown…
South Park School
508 Douglas Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
South Park School is a two-storey Queen Anne Style brick building with a two storey annex in James Bay.
Rogers' Chocolates
913 Government Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Rogers' Chocolates is a two-storey Queen Anne Style brick commercial building on Government Street.
Weiler Building
921 Government Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
The Weiler Building is a five-storey Romanesque brick commercial building on a corner lot on Government and Broughton Streets.
Promise Block
1006 Government Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
The Promise Block is a two storey Edwardian Renaissance commercial building on Government Street. It also has a four storey frontage on Langley Street.
Bank of British Columbia
1020-1022 Government Street, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
The Bank of British Columbia is a three storey Italianate Style building on the corner of Government and Fort Streets.
Mot(s) clé(s)
Province / Territoire N/A Alberta Colombie-Britannique Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Emplacement (ville)
Juridiction Alberta Colombie-Britannique Fédéral Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Code postal (trois premiers caractères)
Catégorie de fonction Approvisionnements en vivres Commerce / Services commerciaux Communauté Défense Éducation Environnement Gouvernement Indéterminée (site archéologique) Industrie Loisirs Religion, rituel et funéraille Résidence Santé et recherche Transport aérien Transport ferroviaire Transport maritime Transport terrestre