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Total des résultats : 51, page : 1 de 6
904 and 908 Memorial Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta
The Glenwood Manor is a three-storey brick apartment block built in 1928 on one city lot, on the north side of Memorial Drive in Calgary. The designation applies to the…
Lieu historique national du Canada Beaulieu
707, 13th avenue sud-ouest, Calgary, Alberta
Le lieu historique national du Canada de Beaulieu est une grande demeure de la fin du XIXe siècle située sur de vastes terrains qui couvrent l'extrémité est d'un pâté de maisons…
Lougheed Block
604 - 1 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Lougheed Block is a pre-World War One, L-shaped, mixed-use commercial building immediately adjacent to the former Sherman Grand Theatre thus creating a rectangular block. It…
119 - 8 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Milling Company Building is a two-storey rectangular sandstone building situated on one city lot in a commercial streetscape in the central business district of…
636 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Dr. Crawford Residence is a two and one-half storey early example of a Tudor Revival residence located on two city lots in the Calgary inner-city residential neighborhood of…
804 - 18 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Anderson Apartments building is a six-storey, red brick structure located on two lots in the Lower Mount Royal area of Calgary. Constructed in 1911, it is distinguished by…
237 - 8 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta
The Burns Building is an early twentieth century, six-storey building situated on two lots in the central business district of downtown Calgary. Constructed between 1912 and…
225 - 13 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta
Haultain School is a late nineteenth century, one and one half-storey building situated on 30 lots comprising roughly 0.98 hectares of land in Calgary's Beltline community. The…
515 - 1 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta
The North-West Travellers Building is a four-storey red brick building in the Edwardian Classical Style, from the pre-World War One period, located on one city block at First…
125 - 8 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Bank of Nova Scotia building is a one-storey steel frame, brick and sandstone masonry structure designed largely in the Modern Classical style, and located on two lots and a…
Mot(s) clé(s)
Province / Territoire N/A Alberta Colombie-Britannique Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Emplacement (ville)
Juridiction Alberta Colombie-Britannique Fédéral Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Code postal (trois premiers caractères)
Catégorie de fonction Approvisionnements en vivres Commerce / Services commerciaux Communauté Défense Éducation Environnement Gouvernement Indéterminée (site archéologique) Industrie Loisirs Religion, rituel et funéraille Résidence Santé et recherche Transport aérien Transport ferroviaire Transport maritime Transport terrestre