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Adam Clendenen House

8, Green Hollow, Markham, Ontario, L6E, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 2001/06/26

View of house and grounds; Town of Markham, date unknown.
Adam Clendenen House
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Date(s) de construction

Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2007/12/19

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Adam Clendenen House is a one-and-a-half-storey, red brick, residential structure built circa 1840 on a fieldstone foundation. Its gable roof, three-bay façade, central doorway and symmetrical elevations are typical of the Georgian style favoured at that time for pre-Confederation farmhouses.

The building has been designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act by the Town of Markham via By-law 2001-172.

Valeur patrimoniale

This farmhouse is associated with the Clendenen family, one of Markham's most prominent early settlers. It is situated on a portion of the original 200 acre lot granted by the Crown to John Clendenen. Originally from Ireland, the family first immigrated to the United States, moving next to Thorold in the Niagara Region and finally settling in Markham Township in 1803.

Upon John Clendenen's death in 1815, the 200 acres were divided amongst the family with the eastern 50 acres of Lot 17 eventually being owned by Adam Clendenen, John's grandson. Sometime around 1840, Adam constructed the house on the northern half of Lot 17, Concession 8. The Clendenen family burial plot is located nearby, at the approximate centre of the 200 acres that comprised Lot 17; five gravestones remain, marking the final resting place of the early Clendenens.

Architecturally, the Adam Clendenen House is an excellent example of a Georgian-style farmhouse of the 1840s. This one-and-a-half storey, red brick building has a relatively spacious interior despite its small external appearance. The brick is laid in a common bond pattern with an angled design over the door and windows. The building rests on its original fieldstone foundation.

The front façade contains three bays: a central entryway flanked on either side by small two-over-two windows. A transom is situated above the main door while the uniformly-styled fenestration features substantial lug-sills on the bottom portion of the frames. The interior of the house features substantial wood baseboards, window and door trims and floors - all original to the house and in excellent condition.

Source: Adam Clendenen Heritage File, Town of Markham

Éléments caractéristiques

Character defining elements which reflect the heritage value of the Adam Clendenen house include its:
- association with the Clendenen family
- in-situ location, on a portion of the original 200-acre land grant
- proximity to the Clendenen family burial plot
- one-and-a-half-storey Georgian design, with side gable and centrally positioned main entrance
- red brick construction with fieldstone foundation
- three bays on front façade
- uniform fenestration of 2-over-2 windows
- transom over the front door
- substantial cornice on the main house
- original interior wooden features: floors, baseboards, window and door trims




Autorité de reconnaissance

Administrations locales (Ont.)

Loi habilitante

Loi sur le patrimoine de l'Ontario

Type de reconnaissance

Désignation du patrimoine municipal (partie IV)

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes


Thème - catégorie et type

Un territoire à peupler
Les établissements

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction



Logement unifamilial

Architecte / Concepteur




Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

Town of Markham Planning and Urban Design Dept 101 Town Centre Boulevard Markham, ON L3R 9W3

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