Yoho National Park of Canada, British Columbia
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Image: 1/3
General view of the Elizabeth Parker Hut (left) and Wiwaxy Lodge (right) showing the rustic appearance and natural building materials of the Lodge that are compatible with the adjacent Elizabeth Parker Hut, 1987.
Public Works Canada / Ministère des Travaux publics, A. Powter, 1987
Image: 2/3
General view of the Elizabeth Parker Hut (left) and Wiwaxy Lodge (right)showing the simple massing of the rectangular building and pitched roof with a generous overhang, 1987.
Image: 3/3
Panoramic view of the Elizabeth Parker Hut (left) and Wiwaxy Lodge (right)and the ongoing relationship of the Wiwaxy Lodge to its natural landscape on the shore of Lake O’Hara, surrounded by mature trees, 1987.