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Chaffey-Fennessy House

52, Chaffey Street, Welland, Ontario, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 2004/05/04

Chaffey-Fennessy House on Chaffey Street, 2007; Katie Hemsworth, Brock University, 2007
Chaffey-Fennessy House
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Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2010/01/25

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Chaffey-Fennessy House is located at 52 Chaffey Street, in Welland. The two storey, red brick dwelling has exterior elements reminiscent of the Edwardian Classical style, featuring a large paned front window with stained glass and a veranda with short columnettes.

The house is designated for its heritage value under the City of Welland By-law 2004-44.

Valeur patrimoniale

The historical value of the residence lies in its association with the Chaffey family, an ancient English family with ancestors recorded in the Doomsday book. Robert Chaffey immigrated to Canada at the age of 26, married Julianna McClelland in 1878, and farmed their land of 80 acres in Crowland Township, while working as a railroad switchman. His brothers George, Charles and William emigrated to California and founded the cities of Ontario, Etiwanda and Upland. The Chaffeys subdivided their Crowland farm in 1909 and moved from their original farm homestead (now 33 Beatrice Street), to the residence on Chaffey Street, presumably named for them. George A. Mitchell, a relative of the Chaffey family, served as both architect and contractor for this two storey, red brick house. It remained in the Chaffey family until 1990, when it was sold by Robert Chaffey's great-grandson to the Fennessy family.

The Chaffey-Fennessy House on Chaffey Street is part of a network of streets that have been named for members of the Chaffey family. Examples of these streets, in the City of Welland, include Beatrice Street, named for their daughter, and Alberta Street, named for Alberta Topp, a McClelland relative. The presence of these streets has ensured the preservation of the Chaffey family as once significant members of the Welland community.

This building is valued for its architectural significance as a display of the Edwardian Classical style of the early twentieth century. Features of this style exhibited on the house include a smooth brick exterior with stone accents, a large paned front window with stained glass, and the veranda with short columnettes set on brick piers. Inside it retains its original stained glass and oak woodwork throughout, including the staircase, pocket and folding doors, and the "dumb waiter".

Sources: Heritage Report on Chaffey-Fennessy House, Nora Reid, City of Welland; The City of Welland By-law 2004-44.

Éléments caractéristiques

Character defining elements that reflect the heritage value of the Chaffey-Fennessy House include its:
- smooth brick exterior with stone accents
- large paned front window with stained glass
- veranda with short columnettes set on brick piers
- interior stained glass
- oak woodwork and “dumb waiter”
- location on Chaffey Street
- proximity to other City of Welland streets, named after family members of the Chaffey and McClelland families, including Beatrice Street and Alberta Street




Autorité de reconnaissance

Administrations locales (Ont.)

Loi habilitante

Loi sur le patrimoine de l'Ontario

Type de reconnaissance

Désignation du patrimoine municipal (partie IV)

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes


Thème - catégorie et type

Un territoire à peupler
Les établissements

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction



Logement unifamilial

Architecte / Concepteur

George A. Mitchell



Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

Planning Department 60 East Main Street City of Welland L3B 3X4

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