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8101 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 2003/11/04

Strathcona C.P.R. Station, 2004. ; City of Edmonton (March 2004)
West elevation
Strathcona C.P.R. Station, 2004.; City of Edmonton (March 2004)
East elevation
Pas d'image

Autre nom(s)

South Side CPR Station

Liens et documents

Date(s) de construction

1907/01/01 à 1908/01/01

Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2008/03/07

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Strathcona C.P.R. Station consists of a one-and-a-half storey building with a two-storey projecting polygonal tower. The station is located east of 103 Street and south of 82 (Whyte) Avenue in the historic district of Old Strathcona in the south of Edmonton.

Valeur patrimoniale

The Strathcona C.P.R. Station is valued for its association with the Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.) and the early railways that helped to form Strathcona as a city prior to amalgamation with Edmonton in 1912. Strathcona was the northernmost terminus for the Calgary and Edmonton (C and E) Railway, a line later to become incorporated into the C.P.R.'s vast system of rail. Known as the 'end of steel', it was the point at which the railways could extend no further without building massive bridges over the North Saskatchewan River valley. Strathcona grew in importance as the end of the line and a major transportation and transhipment point in, and to, northern Alberta. The station remained in active railway use until 1980.

The Strathcona C.P.R. Station is also valued as an indicator of the importance of rail travel early in the twentieth century. Prior to the extensive network of highways that currently crisscross the province, the primary mode of transportation and shipment was the railways. Important connections between Calgary and Edmonton helped the province's two largest cities form and allowed access to business opportunities, government and family in each city as well as other smaller centres around Alberta.

The Strathcona C.P.R. Station is also significant for its architecture. Built with elements of Classical and Renaissance Revival architecture, this Edwardian-era station is massed in a long horizontal fashion along the rail tracks to maximize coverage of the platform serving arriving and departing trains. A massive roof, with large support brackets overhangs the platform to shelter passengers from the elements. Additionally, the tower affords the structure a prominent silhouette and makes it immediately recognizable. The same basic design was used for three subsequent Alberta C.P.R. stations constructed at Lethbridge, Red Deer, and Medicine Hat

Source: City of Edmonton (Bylaw: 13470)

Éléments caractéristiques

The Classical and Renaissance Revival architecture of the Strathcona C.P.R. Station building is expressed in such character-defining elements as:
- form, scale and massing;
- bellcast hipped roof with oversized eave brackets;
- asymmetrical position of top storey and tower;
- masonry construction including brick facing with Tyndall stone details;
- polygonal tower on platform side of building;
- fenestration;
- doors opening onto platform area;
- smooth Tyndall stone window sills and tower cladding;
- paired stone brackets, dentil course and keystones on tower;
- smooth Tyndall stone corner quoining;
- rough Tyndall stone foundation.




Autorité de reconnaissance

Administrations locales (Alb.)

Loi habilitante

Historical Resources Act

Type de reconnaissance

Ressource historique municipal

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes


Thème - catégorie et type

Économies en développement
Communications et transport

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction


Commerce / Services commerciaux
Établissement de restauration ou de débit de boissons


Transport ferroviaire
Gare ou autre installation ferroviaire

Architecte / Concepteur




Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

City of Edmonton, Planning and Development Department, 10250 - 101 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3P4 (Digital File: 33139782)

Réfère à une collection

Identificateur féd./prov./terr.




Inscriptions associées

Gateway Boulevard view, looking southeast


The Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.) Station, Strathcona consists of primarily a two-storey brick and stone building with an asymmetrically located octagonal tower. The station…


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