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Carleton Place Town Hall

175, Bridge Street, Town of Carleton Place, Ontario, K2J, Canada

Reconnu formellement en: 1978/10/16

View from the roof of a building on the north shore of the Mississippi River, c. 1920.; Town of Carleton Place, nd
Postcard of Carleton Place Town Hall, c. 1920
front view; F. Cane: Min. of Culture 2001
Front view of the Carleton Place Town Hall
Oblique view; F. Cane; Min. of Culture, 2001
Carleton Place Town Hall

Autre nom(s)


Liens et documents

Date(s) de construction

1895/01/01 à 1897/01/01

Inscrit au répertoire canadien: 2008/07/31

Énoncé d'importance

Description du lieu patrimonial

The Carleton Place Town Hall is situated on the north-east corner of Bridge and Mill Streets. This three-storey majestic stone building, located on the south shore of the Mississippi River, is visible from various points in the town. Its bell tower and turrets extend skyward, emphasizing the picturesque roofline. Its river bank location allows an open view from various points on the far shore and from Central Bridge.

The Carleton Place Town Hall is recognized for its heritage value By the Town of Carleton Place under By-law 42-78.

Valeur patrimoniale

The Carleton Place Town Hall is an important landmark both historically and architecturally. The land was originally owned by William Morphy, one of the first settlers in the area and for whom the town was originally named Morphy's Falls. He built a house on the present Town Hall site in the early 1820s.

Designed by George W. King and built by Matthew Ryan, the building is a fine example of the Richardson Romanesque style of architecture, which was popular in North America in the latter quarter of the nineteenth century. Richardson Romanesque style is a North American style, introduced by architect Henry Hobson Richardson, with typical features of rough stone, round-headed windows, semi-circular arches around doors and windows, dormer windows and round towers. The Council Chamber on the interior was originally called the Red Chamber because of the fine pine woodwork with a red satin finish. Other features on the interior include one of the few remaining raked stages in Canada, fine examples of woodwork in pine and ash, decorative pressed metal ceilings and mosaic encaustic flooring.

Sources: Town of Carleton Place Bylaw 42-78; Town Hall Feasibility Study, 1986.

Éléments caractéristiques

Character defining elements that reflect the heritage value of the Carleton Place Town Hall include its:
- rough-dressed Beckwith limestone laid in an uneven course
- belt courses, window and door arcades and sills of a darker, smoother stone
- variety of window types including semi-circular on the first storey, centre-pointed on the second storey and rectangular on the balcony level
- steeply pitched, truncated hip roof of slate
- main symmetrical west facade consisting of three bays with the side bays projecting slightly
- elliptical fan in the main door
- northwest bay tower with conical roof
- two towers projecting from the southeast bay, one being the square bell and clock tower built for the Fire Hall and the other a small tower on the southeast corner
- elliptical bay window on the central section of the north wall facing the river
- interior wainscoting and staircase of black ash
- fine pine woodwork with a red satin finish in the Council Chamber
- bay window with original stained glass in the bay window of the Council Chamber
- decorative pressed-metal ceilings
- wainscoting, balcony balustrade of pine with oak decoration and arched ceiling of pressed metal of the large second floor auditorium
- raked stage




Autorité de reconnaissance

Administrations locales (Ont.)

Loi habilitante

Loi sur le patrimoine de l'Ontario

Type de reconnaissance

Désignation du patrimoine municipal (partie IV)

Date de reconnaissance


Données sur l'histoire

Date(s) importantes

1999/01/01 à 2000/01/01

Thème - catégorie et type

Établir une vie sociale et communautaire
L'organisation communautaire

Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction



Hôtel de ville

Architecte / Concepteur

George W. King


Matthew Ryan

Informations supplémentaires

Emplacement de la documentation

Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Carleton Place

Réfère à une collection

Identificateur féd./prov./terr.




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