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Jasper Block
10514 - 10520 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Jasper Block consists of a three storey Edwardian era mixed use brick building situated on an urban lot on the north side of Jasper Avenue in central downtown Edmonton
10125 - 104 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
The Armstrong Block consists of a four-storey mixed-use brick building in the Edwardian Commercial style, located in a mid-block location on one urban lot in the downtown…
10601 - 97 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
The Hull Block consists of a three-storey brick mixed-use building in the neo-classical style of the Edwardian-era, occupying two urban lots on a prominent corner location in…
9633 - 95 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Molstad Residence is large pre-World War One two and one-half storey "four square" residential building clad in brick and cedar shingles. It is located on a corner lot on 95th…
9660 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Lodge Hotel, originally the Pendennis Hotel, consists of a three-storey brick mixed-use building situated on a city lot in a mid-block location on the north side of Jasper…
9670 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Brighton Block consists of a three-storey Edwardian-era brick mixed-use building in a mid-block location on the north side of Jasper Avenue in the Boyle Community.
10169 - 104 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
The Phillips Building is a five-storey rectangular brick commercial building located on four city lots a block north of Jasper Avenue on 104th Street in Edmonton's original…
8134 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Trudel Residence is a one-storey brick bungalow on an irregular landscaped lot in the Cromdale neighbourhood east of downtown Edmonton, overlooking the North Saskatchewan River…
9664 - 106 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Hull Block consists of a three-storey Edwardian-era brick mixed-use block on two city lots at a prominent corner location on an arterial street that links Edmonton's historic…
9608 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Gibson Block Building, also known as the Flatiron Building, is a large wedge-shaped four-storey brick building constructed for commercial use on four city lots at the eastern…
Mot(s) clé(s)
Province / Territoire N/A Alberta Colombie-Britannique Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Emplacement (ville)
Juridiction Alberta Colombie-Britannique Fédéral Île-du-Prince-Édouard Manitoba Nouveau-Brunswick Nouvelle-Écosse Nunavut Ontario Québec Saskatchewan Terre-Neuve et Labrador Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon
Code postal (trois premiers caractères)
Catégorie de fonction Approvisionnements en vivres Commerce / Services commerciaux Communauté Défense Éducation Environnement Gouvernement Indéterminée (site archéologique) Industrie Loisirs Religion, rituel et funéraille Résidence Santé et recherche Transport aérien Transport ferroviaire Transport maritime Transport terrestre